Who is a Virtuous Woman?
Aishet Chayil, A Woman of Valor, the beautiful song drawn from Proverbs…
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Which Day Of The Week Were You Born?
Do you know on which day you were born? Not your birthday...which day of…
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Happy Wednesday
If you were born on Wednesday and are blessed with wisdom and a good…
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The Antidote for Baseless Hatred
The calendrical period between the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz and the Fast…
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Turn The Tables
During the Three Weeks, between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and Tisha b'Av,…
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Three Steps Forward, Three Steps Back
While Jewish prayer has many aspects that are introspective, prayer is also…
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Holy Steps
As we take three steps forward to begin the Amidah, consider how fortunate…
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Five Wise Sisters
Few women are mentioned by name in the Torah, and those who are, are…
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Enjoy The Rest
Enjoy the serenity and relaxation afforded by Shabbat and take a walk…
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Smashing the Tablets
The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of…
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The Three Weeks
Today, the Seventeenth of Tammuz, is the beginning of the period known as…
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Word Magic
If you have ever heard that the magical word "Abracadabra" is Hebrew, then…
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Study Hebrew
Learn to read Hebrew and unlock the fascinating etymology of Hebrew words…
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Kiss the Mezuzah
One might easily think of the mitzvah of mezuzah as a passive mitzvah.…
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Divine Protection
During the current pandemic, it would be wise to avoid touching or kissing…
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Fleeing in the New World
The history of the conversos, those Spanish and Portuguese Jews who hid…
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Study History
Read about the challenges faced by the conversos, the Spanish and…
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Jonas Phillips: Living in the Revolution
A few weeks after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the…
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Be Thankful
As Americans, we should appreciate that we live in a malchut shel chesed, a…
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Does the Torah Support the Belief in Extraterrestrial Life?
Today, July 2nd, is celebrated world-wide, as "World UFO Day." It all…
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It’s All There
In Ethics of the Fathers 5:22, we are taught "Turn it and turn it again for…
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Appointed by Trudeau
In honor of Canada Day (July 1st), Jewish Treats proudly presents a brief…
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Happy Canada Day
Recognize the many positive contributions that Jewish Canadians have made…
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Free To All
On June 30, 2008, the first Jewish Treat was posted to Jewishtreats.org.…
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Share The Wealth
If you enjoy receiving Jewish Treats every day, share them with a friend.
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Can You Be The Tenth?
That the Hebrew word "minyan" derives from the infinitive "lim'not," to…
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Count Me In
Once in-person gatherings resume more regularly in your community and you…
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Filene’s Credit Union
On June 26, 1934, Congress passed the Federal Credit Union Act, allowing…
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Use Your Talent
If you have a special talent that will enable you to create an organization…
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A Trap of Wealth
If I were a rich man...The most important men in town will come to fawn on…
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