Seeking God In Elul
Psalm 27 is read twice daily from the beginning of the month of Elul…
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Add It To Your Morning
Print out a copy of Psalm 27 and read it while you wait for your morning…
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What You Know
Astronomy plays an important role in Jewish life because it is the means by…
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Nature’s Rules
When you think about the "Laws of Nature," like gravity, take a moment to…
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The Shabbat Limit
Nothing is more enjoyable on a Shabbat afternoon than a leisurely stroll…
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Across North America, most parents are either frantically preparing for, or…
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It’s Okay To Be Afraid
“Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what…
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Fear Not
In order to overcome one's fears, one must first acknowledge them.
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The Educator
Community day schools have played a vital role in maintaining Jewish life…
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Day School Support
Whether your children attend the local day school or not, do your best to…
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The Alarm Clock
New beginnings are always difficult. For those who are not “morning…
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In One Month’s Time
Rosh Hashana is one month away. Make your holiday plans now.
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The Reward of Honoring Shabbat
According to the wisdom of the sages, there is no way to “over-spend” on…
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Chodesh Tov
Buy a delicious dessert in honor of Shabbat Rosh Chodesh (the start of the…
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The Netziv
At most yeshivot, the primary focus of study is on the Oral Law (as…
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A Little Bit At A Time
Follow the example of the Netziv and read a little bit of Tanach each day.
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The Cochin Jews of India
The Malabar Jews of Cochin*, India, claim to have existed as a community…
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What’s With The Cheese
There are few types of food with as many variations as cheese. Like all…
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Cheese Glorious Cheese
If you love cheese, find out if your favorites are available from a kosher…
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“If It Walks Like A Duck…”
There is a famous statement attributed to the American writer James…
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What’s In The Book: The Twelve Prophets – Haggai
The Book of Haggai is the first of the Twelve Prophets written after the…
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Hope-Filled Reading
Read the Books of the Prophets with an eye to the message of hope for the…
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The Mother of Modern Swimming
In 1920, at age 35, Charlotte Epstein was not a contender for an Olympic…
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Company Enjoyment
If you enjoy exercise, encourage others around you to join in (but don’t…
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One! Two! Three! Feel The Burn!
Some people love to exercise, others hate it, but everyone knows that it is…
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Moving It
If you work at a desk job, take a two minute break to periodically move…
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