Make a Difference Today
In honor of Random Acts of Kindness day, be proactive and make a difference…
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Finally Buried
On the 4th of Adar 1307, the Maharam of Rothenburg was buried in the Jewish…
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Explore Jewish History
Study the history of great Jewish scholars, who, throughout the…
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Presidents’ Day: The Jews and Martin Van Buren
In 1840, the news of the terrible fate of the Jewish community of Damascus…
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Be Thankful for Freedom of Religious Practice
Appreciate the United States and its presidents who have taken public…
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Just a Half Shekel
This Shabbat is Parashat Shekalim (shekels, the Biblical monetary units).…
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You Count?
Take to heart that regardless of a person’s great wealth or the lack…
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When Adar Begins
The month of Adar, the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar year, begins…
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Increase Your Joy
Put a spring in your step as we look forward to the joyous new month of…
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Kosher in Gracie Mansion
Although New York has one of the oldest Jewish communities in the United…
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Place Your Kosher Order
Follow the lead of Mary Beame, the wife of the late Mayor Abraham Beame,…
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Oh My Achin’ Tooth
On some lists of quaint holidays celebrated in the month of February, today…
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Start Flossing
In order to hopefully minimize the number of toothaches you will…
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Thoughts for the Heart
February has been designated American Heart Month. For many years, heart…
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Eat Your Vegetables!
Enjoy a hearty salad packed with vegetables to improve your health.
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Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Mussar Movement
The Mussar movement, the formal study and program of ethical improvement,…
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Self Improvement
Make this Shabbat especially meaningful by devoting quality time to focus…
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The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses…
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Head Start
Print out this week’s Torah Portion, Yitro today, and get a head start…
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Feeling Fit Focused on Napoleon
Believe it or not, body building as an international sport, has Jewish…
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Good Fitness
Make sure to take care of yourself by working out and exercising regularly.
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The Tribe of Asher
As the forefathers of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of…
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Check Out The Tribe
In the future, when planning a trip, be sure to place on the agenda a visit…
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National Freedom Day
Today, February 1st, is both National Freedom Day and the first day of…
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Jewish Expression
Celebrate the freedom of religious expression in the United States by…
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Does God Experience Difficulty?
In the middle of parashat B’shalach, we encounter the great miracle of God…
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Prepare Your Voice
As preparation for this coming Shabbat, also known as Shabbat Shirah, enjoy…
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The Foods of Tu b’Shevat
Jews around the world will celebrate Tu b’Shevat, the new year of the…
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Celebrate Tu b’Shevat
Pick up some figs, dates or pomegranates and celebrate Tu b'Shevat.
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International Holocaust Memorial Day
Speak of the Holocaust and the first word that many think of is Auschwitz.…
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