Thanks Again, Pop!
Father's Day is over, but the Torah teaches us that we should respect and…
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The Reward of Honoring Shabbat
According to the wisdom of the sages, there is no way to “over-spend” on…
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Know Your Kosher Fish
When buying fresh fish, make sure it comes from a species with both fins…
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A Battle For Burial
Do you know who is buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs (Meh'arat…
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Honor the Dead
There is an old Jewish custom to visit the grave of a loved one on the date…
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Did You Say Satan?
The word Satan derives from the Hebrew ha’satan, literally “the hinderer.”…
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Self Analysis
A person should try to understand his/her own motivations as well as the…
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Celebrating A Daughter
On his 8th day of life, a baby boy has his brit mila (circumcision) and is…
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Girl Power
When congratulating someone on the birth of a daughter, say more than mazal…
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War In The Torah
The Torah’s protocols of war begin with the following verse: "When you go…
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Let It Go
Try to avoid arguments by seeing the other person's point of view.
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The Bread of the Sabbath
Challah, known to some as "Jewish bread," is one of the essential elements…
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An Act of True Kindness
Death is one of the unquestionable facts of life. Yet, most people would…
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Honor The Dead
Inquire if there is a way you can help your local chevra kadisha.
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Rabban Gamliel II
The old joke “2 Jews -- 3 opinions” is true now, and it was true in the era…
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Read It
Read through the Amidah, the central prayer of each prayer service, with…
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Shabbetai Zvi, False Messiah
Born in Smyrna, Turkey, in 1626, Shabbetai Zvi was considered a promising…
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The Truth Is
Take special note to speak truthfully. Even when you worry that it will…
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Ezer K’negdo
Today’s Treat begins with a short, sweet story about the great Zaddik of…
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Positive Feedback
Thank your spouse for something he/she did to challenge you to be a better…
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Shtreimels and Spodiks
One of the most distinctive pieces of clothing in the diverse world of…
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Fabric Feelings
To honor Shabbat, wear something that makes you feel like royalty.
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Majority Rules
After the Torah was given, Moses served as the sole judge of the Jewish…
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A Vow Like No Other
Jews are not ascetics. In fact, according to Jewish philosophy, the Jew’s…
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Uplifting The World
Choose a physical activity that you enjoy and try to transform it into…
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The Orchard
The Talmud (Chagiga 14b) tells the story of four rabbis who entered the…
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Interesting Insights
Read a section of this week's Torah portion (Nasso: Numbers 4:21 - 7:89)…
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Abraham ben Abraham
Legend has it that Valentine Pototski, the son of a Polish nobleman, met an…
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