Extra Caution
Since maintaing one's health is a mitzvah, make an extra effort to wash…
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Return of the Dead?
The relationship of the living and the dead is an oft debated topic by the…
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Careful Of Your Words
Remember, one must be as careful about gossiping (saying unkind words)…
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Sabbath Prayers: Birkat Ha’banim/Blessing the Children
On Friday nights, it is traditional for parents to give special blessings…
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But Mom, You Promised
Parenting is no easy task. From a very early age, children demand and seek…
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I’ll Take Care of It
If you promise a co-worker that you will complete a project, or give any…
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The Blessings of the Amidah: Requesting Forgiveness
The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the Jewish prayer…
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The Blessings of the Amidah: Requesting Forgiveness
The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the Jewish prayer…
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Gad, the Son of Jacob
The patriarch Jacob loved his wife Rachel, but it was his wife Leah who…
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Order Up
When taking food at a buffet, take only what you realistically expect to…
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The Morning Blessings-Blessings #3: Freedom
Every morning, a set of 15 blessings are recited to express our thanks to…
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The Company You Keep
Immediately following the morning blessings, there is a short prayer that…
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Jewish Friendship Circle
Organize a small group of friends with whom to study an interesting Jewish…
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The Blessings Over Food: Sheh’hakol/The Other Foods
The sheh’hakol blessing encompasses all things that do not grow from the…
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The Thirty-Six
How many truly righteous people do you know? People who not only dedicate…
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Right of Way
Smile when giving pedestrians, bikers or other drivers the right of way.
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With What May We Light
The Friday night synagogue service is actually two separate services,…
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Candles Set
Make it a habit in your home to arrange the Shabbat candles on Friday…
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Sabbath Prayers: Va’y’choo’loo / And they were finished
A direct quote from the Torah (Genesis 2:1-3), this paragraph is recited…
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Here’s The Beef
Adam and Eve were vegetarians. When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden,…
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Butcher Block
Support your local kosher butcher by purchasing only kosher meats.
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The Blessings of the Amidah: Closeness to God
The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the Jewish prayer…
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Get Out!
The history of the Jews in Europe can almost be read as a timeline of…
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The Morning Blessings-Blessing #2: Gratitude for Being Jewish
Every morning, a set of 15 blessings are recited to express our thanks to…
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Colonial Outreach: Alliance Israelite Universelle
North American Jews often hear of organizations created for the benefit of…
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Not Quite A-B-C
Test your Hebrew letter knowledge at njop.org. If you don't know Hebrew,…
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The Blessings Over Food: Ha’ah’dama / Vegetables
The blessing recited over produce that grows from the ground is ha’ah’dama.…
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The Month of Cheshvan
Today is Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, the first day of the month of Cheshvan,…
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In Honor Of…
Do something to honor the new month: buy a bouquet of flowers, try a new…
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