Half Shekels For Purim
It is customary to give three half-shekels (or half-dollars in the U.S.) at…
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The House of Assembly
Did you know that the Greek word 'synagogue' is actually a translation of…
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Local Assembly
Find out if a 'House of Assembly' in your area will be hosting Shabbat…
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Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Mussar Movement
The Mussar movement, the formal study and program of ethical improvement,…
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Mussar Move
Write a list of 8 things you thing you can improve about yourself. (And at…
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Twilight (Sorry No Vampires)
In Judaism, the day begins and ends at sunset. But defining sunset can be…
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Good Giving
Donate your gently used books or toys to the local hospital.
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The Haftarah
Every week, on Shabbat, a portion of the Five Books of Moses is read in…
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Say Something Different
Prepare a dvar Torah (words of Torah) relating to the Haftarah to share…
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Mizmor Shir L’Yom Ha’Shabbat / A Song for the Sabbath Day
While much of the Kabbalat Shabbat service (service to greet the Sabbath)…
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Asher, Son of Jacob
Asher was the second son born to Zilpah, Jacob's wife, the former handmaid…
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Fortune For All
Recognize that financial fortune is a blessing and a gift from God by…
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The Blessings of the Amidah: Shalom
The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the Jewish prayer…
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A Salute to Rabbi Alexander Goode
Today, Jewish Treats brings you the sad but heroic story of Rabbi…
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If you see a friend or neighbor waiting for a bus as you drive by, pull…
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Ignorance Is Not Bliss
It is an unfortunate fact that a large portion of the Jews who came to…
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Give It Over
As you learn new aspects of Jewish life, whether from Jewish Treats or from…
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Answering The Appeals
There they sit, the pile of unopened solicitations and appeals. Direct…
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At This Time of Year
If you are in New York, consider a last minute change of plans to support…
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The Shabbat of Song
Music speaks to the heart, and, not surprisingly, the heart often speaks…
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Music Maker
On Shabbat, rejoice over the good things in your life, whether with Shabbat…
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Tu b’Shevat
Tu b'Shevat, the new year of the trees, is often celebrated with the 7…
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The Blessings of the Amidah: Gratitude
The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the Jewish prayer…
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Honor The Dead
Give charity in honor of someone who passed away in order to bring reward…
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The Holy Ari: Rabbi Isaac ben Solomon Luria
When Rabbi Isaac ben Solomon Luria arrived in Safed, in 1569, the town had…
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Thank You So Much
When you receive good service over the phone, request to speak to the…
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Women and War
The role played by female soldiers on the front lines during the last…
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Safety First
Jewish law asserts that you should always act to preserve life. Make…
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