History of Hamantashen
If you are active on Jewish social media, whether on Facebook, Twitter,…
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A Love Song For Shabbat
The relationship between God and the Jewish people is often compared to a…
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How Does God Rest
On the first six days of creation, God created (Day 1) the heavens and…
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Singing About the “Woman of Valor”
Aishet Chayil, “The Woman of Valor,” which is traditionally sung at the…
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Carrying On Shabbat
The last of the 39 melachot* (creative works prohibited on…
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One More Day
One more day until SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA, find out more…
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What Do You Call The Seventh Day?
What do you call the Seventh Day, the Day of Rest? Some people call it…
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Learn About It.
If you are unfamiliar with the celebration of Shabbat, download…
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Out of the Narrows
The fourth of the Ten Commandments is the observance of Shabbat. In Exodus,…
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Invite Your Friends
If you are already planning to attend a SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND…
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Five Ways to Prepare
Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy (Zachor et yom HaShabbat…
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This Shabbat
Make plans to celebrate Shabbat in honor of Shabbat Across America and…
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Just a Half Shekel
This Shabbat is Parashat Shekalim (shekels). The Torah portion that speaks…
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A Shabbat of Value
Spend time with your family on Shabbat and let them know how valuable they…
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Talk with Knowledge
Don't hesitate to speak honestly and respectfully about Jewish beliefs.
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The Trouble with Casual Blasphemy
On February 23, 1658, Jacob Lumbrozo was brought before a judge in the…
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A Little Lox
A bagel with lox and a nice schmear of cream cheese may be, to some, the…
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Fresh Fish
Remember to check fish for fins and scales before purchasing to eat.
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The Story of Kurt Eisner
Did you know that there was a Jewish head of a German State in early 20th…
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President Woodrow Wilson and the Jews
In honor of Presidents Day, Jewish Treats presents a quick look at the…
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Um, What Day Is It?
Living in the “Age of Information,” it is hard to imagine a person not…
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Weekly Knowledge
Keep a Jewish calendar in a convenient place to check what time Shabbat…
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It’s All In How You Go
Living a Jewish life does not just happen on holidays or Shabbat or when…
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A Modest Approach
Be conscientious to behave with appropriate modesty in every situation.
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The Story of Irena Sendler
Despite the fact that Irena Sendler was recognized in 1967 by the Yad…
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Protecting History
Share stories of Holocaust heroes and survivors that you know.
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With This Ring…
The traditional Jewish wedding band is remarkable only in its particular…
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