Reverence for Democratically Elected Leaders
While democracies loathe kings with unlimited power and authority,…
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Manna from Military Aircraft?
Is there a connection between “Manna,” the food from heaven that sustained…
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Help the Hungry
Providing food for those who do not have, is the greatest of human…
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What is Isru Chag?
The day after vacation is often a time of distraction and disorientation.…
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Jews rejoice on Passover to celebrate their redemption from slavery in…
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Internalize Passover’s Message of Faith in God
With Pesach behind us, do not forget to assess what you gained spiritually…
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What Not To Buy
The joyous holiday of Passover will soon be ending. While one’s instinct…
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Seven Days to the Sea
The Passover celebration lasts seven days (eight days, outside of Israel).…
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Prepare for the Final Celebratory Days of Passover
The Seventh day of Pesach recalls the splitting of the Red Sea. Attend…
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How Pharaoh Enslaved the Israelites
While reading the Book of Exodus, one might wonder at the swift descent of…
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Singing Praises
“...The prophets of the Jewish people ordained that the Hallel be recited…
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Make Sure to Recite Hallel on Pesach
The joyous Hallel service, helps set the mood for the celebratory Festival…
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Kitniyot and Gebruchts
Are you Ashkenazi or Sephardi? Hungarian, Yekke (German), Litvak…
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Rabbi Joseph Ber Soleveitchik
Few personalities have done as much to define the Modern Orthodox Jewish…
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Study the Works and Torah of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
In honor of the yahrzeit of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, “the Rav,” study…
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Chol Hamoed
Most holidays in Western society last for a single day, which is often…
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Can You Count to 49?
There is a commandment (Leviticus 23:15) to count the 49 days that…
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Make Sure to Count Up to Shavuot
Create nightly reminders to count the 49 days of the Omer from Pesach to…
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Setting the Seder Table
Before beginning the Seder, it is important to make certain that everything…
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Make Your Last Chametz Meal for the Week Count!
Many have the custom to eat their last chametz meal early in the morning of…
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Searching for Chametz
On Passover, Jews are commanded to get rid of all "chametz" (leaven) which…
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Fast of the Firstborn
There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were…
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Set Your Alarm Clock and Start the eve of Pesach early
There is much to do on erev Pesach (the eve of Passover). If you are a…
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Why Laban is in the Haggadah
In honor of the upcoming holiday of Passover, it is time to review the…
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You Are Royalty
Passover is known as the festival of freedom. And who is more free than…
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New or Freshly Laundered Clothes for the Seder
Since at the seder we must see ourselves as free and aristocratic, it is…
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A Holiday for Kids
Why is this night different from all other nights? Ask the kids! Or better…
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OMG! Passover is Coming
The intensive physical and emotional preparations for Passover come from…
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Pace Yourself with Passover Preparations!
Make sure you take plenty of time to prepare all that is needed in order to…
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Four Cups of Wine
Like almost all festival meals, the Passover Seder begins…
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