Appreciate Sight
Jews thank God every morning for giving humankind the gift of sight. Never…
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The Forced Closing of the “Ivy League” Yeshiva
The idea of a school with a dual curriculum, teaching both Judaic and…
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Balancing Torah and General Studies
While different Jewish schools offer different amounts of study hours…
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In a South American City
On January 18, 1535, the city of Lima, Peru, was founded to serve as the…
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Learn the Jewish History of Your Travel Destinations
Due to the extensive Jewish diaspora, most spots on earth have a history of…
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Data Privacy: Yesterday and Today
The Council of Europe’s Convention for the Protection of Individuals with…
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Protect Your Privacy and Everyone Else’s
Human nature gave people instincts to protect themselves. Morality and…
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75 Years since the Liberation of Auschwitz
Today, January 27th, which marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of…
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Remember the Horrors of the Holocaust
It is not enough to devote a few days a year to remembering the horrors of…
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Illusions and Magic
Make sure to distinguish between an illusion and actual “magic” which is a…
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Maryland’s Jews
While the mid-Atlantic State of Maryland is often associated with un-kosher…
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Jewish Maryland
When traveling, try to learn the Jewish history of the places you plan to…
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The Pungency of Peppers
While some people love adding “heat” to everything that they eat, January…
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Take Extra Precautions to Maintain Kosher Standards
Make sure your kitchen at home is properly set up to keep all the kosher…
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Unsung Hero
War heroes are not always soldiers in arms. Often they are the men and…
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Financially Support Important Causes
If you are unable to personally help important and worthy organizations…
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Inauguration Oil
Elected U.S. presidents are inaugurated on January 20th. But, it wasn’t…
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Be a Jewish Leader
You too can help lead the Jewish people by assuming volunteer positions in…
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Anatomy of a Jewish Leader
This week’s Torah portion re-introduces us to one of the most seminal…
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Stand Up for Justice
No matter what the circumstances, always assert all of your influence and…
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Judah Touro
Unlike many of the great philanthropists recorded in history, Judah Touro…
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Supporting Jewish Causes
While many worthy causes such as hospitals and museums were built as a…
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Always (Kosher) Coca Cola!
I’d bet you never heard of the Pemberton Medicine Company! Perhaps you have…
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Kosher Supervision
Hundreds of thousands of items are under kosher supervision in the United…
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America’s First Synagogue
In 1656, Shearith Israel, the first synagogue was established in the…
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Historical Synagogues
Make an effort to learn the history of houses of worship in the United…
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Skeptic’s Day: Or is It?
Happy “Skeptics Day,” is the annual opportunity to acknowledge those who…
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Righteous Skepticism
Every subject deserves the presumption of innocence, but that does not…
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How Many Tribes?
The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the…
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