The Mother of Women’s Basketball
As today is International Women’s Day, Jewish Treats highlights some of the many accomplishments of Senda Berenson, the mother of women’s basketball, who revolutionized women’s athletics.…
Hadassah: The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
In the year 1912, there was no state of Israel, women had not yet earned the right to vote in the U.S., and Henrietta Szold (Baltimore 1860 - Jerusalem 1945) was inspiring Jewish women…
The Mother of Women’s Basketball
Did you know that the mother of women’s basketball was Jewish? Senda Berenson revolutionized women’s athletics. Ironically, Berenson,* who was born on March 19, 1868, in Vilna, was a…
Hadassah: The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
In the year 1912, there was no state of Israel, women had not yet earned the right to vote in the U.S., and Henrietta Szold (Baltimore 1860 - Jerusalem 1945) was inspiring Jewish women…
Kee Teitzei 5766-2006
"The Mitzvah of Marriage, Kiddushin and Ketuvah" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Parashat Kee Teitzei is a fascinating parasha, containing the largest number of mitzvot of any parasha in the…
Pinchas 5760-2000
"The Daughters Of Tzelafchad: Legitimate Feminist Claims" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Pinchas, we learn of the precedent-shattering request of the…
Pinchas 5781-2021
"Loving the Land of Israel” (updated and revised from Pinchas 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Pinchas, we learn the fascinating tale of five…
A Woman In Charge: Bessie Gotsfeld
Mizrachi Women's Organization of America (MWOA, known today as AMIT - Americans for Israel and Torah) began as part of Mizrachi of America. Its separate identity was the direct result of…
The Great Rae Landy
To Rachel “Rae” Landy, nursing was far more than a job, it was a “calling.” Born in Lithuania on June 27, 1885, she came to America when she was 3 and was later part of the first…
The Rebbitzen
Esther Jungreis became a rebbitzen when she married Rabbi Meshulum Jungreis in 1955. She became “The Rebbitzen” when she founded Hineni in 1973. Born in Hungary in 1936, Esther and her…