Bamidbar 5771-2011
“Good Neighbors and Bad Neighbors” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Bamidbar, we learn of the configuration of the camps of Israel that surrounded the…
Bo 5772-2012
"The Plague of Darkness" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Bo, we learn of the eighth, ninth and tenth of the ten plagues--locusts, darkness and the death of…
Holiday Greetings
The standard pre-Rosh Hashana greeting of “K’tiva v’chatima tova” ("May you be written and sealed for good”) is deduced from a Talmudic discussion concerning the three heavenly books that…
Holiday Greetings
The standard pre-Rosh Hashana greeting of “K’tiva v’chatima tova” (“May you be written and sealed for good”) is deduced from a Talmudic discussion concerning the three heavenly books that…
Yom Kippur,Weekly Message,Vayeilech
Vayeilech-Yom Kippur 5773-2012
“The Limits of Free Will” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald During the period of the Ten Days of Penitence, and especially with the imminent arrival of Yom Kippur, it is most appropriate to…
Bo 5779-2019
"Nothing Stands in the Way of Teshuva!" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald As the parasha opens, G-d says to Moses, Exodus 10:1, בֹּא אֶל פַּרְעֹה: כִּי אֲנִי הִכְבַּדְתִּי אֶת לִבּוֹ, וְאֶת…
Devarim 5769-2009
"Og Stands Tall on the Stage of History" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In his recapitulation of the events leading up to the people's entry into the land of Israel, Moses recalls the…
Noah 5771-2010
“Man’s Struggle with Evil” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Noah, we learn much about man’s ongoing struggle with evil. As the parasha opens, the Torah…
Vayeishev 5777-2016
“The Voice Within Us” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Vayeishev, we read of the attempted seduction of Joseph by Potiphar’s wife. Scripture, in Genesis…
Va’eira 5777-2017
"The Dangers of Self Delusion” by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Va’eira, we read of the first seven plagues that the Al-mighty visited upon the Egyptians in…