Why Were Scouts of the Promised Land Needed?
The most devastating punishment meted out by God in the Torah is described in this week's parasha. God commands Moses to send 12 scouts - one representing each tribe - to…
Why Were Scouts of the Promised Land Needed?
The most devastating punishment meted out by God in the Torah is described in this week’s parashah. God commands Moses to send 12 scouts – one representing each tribe - to reconnoiter…
Why Were Scouts of the Promised Land Needed?
The most devastating punishment meted out by God in the Torah is described in this week’s Torah portion, parashat Shelach. God commands Moses to send 12 scouts – one representing each…
Corrie ten Boom
Today, April 15, is the date of both the birth and death of Cornelia “Corrie” Arnolda Johanna ten Boom (1892-1983), who was honored in 1967 as one of the “Righteous Among the Nations.”…
The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses come down bearing only “the two tablets of the testimony” luchot ha’aidoot (Exodus 32:15), on…
The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses come down bearing only “the two tablets of the testimony” luchot ha’aidoot (Exodus 32:15), on…
The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses come down bearing only “two tablets of testimony” luchot ha’aidoot (Exodus 32:15), on which the Ten Commandments…
The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses come down bearing only “the two tablets of the testimony” luchot ha’aidoot (Exodus 32:15), rather than a…
The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses come down bearing only “the two tablets of the testimony” luchot ha’aidoot (Exodus 32:15), rather than a…