Goodly Tents
Much of Jewish life is built around community. Jews often live in close proximity to each other, in many instances with a synagogue or synagogues at the center of their neighborhoods. As…
Goodly Tents
Much of Jewish life is built around community. Jews often live close to each other, often with a synagogue or synagogues at the center of their neighborhoods. As important as living in a…
Goodly Tents
Much of Jewish life is built around community. Jews often live close to each other, often with a synagogue or synagogues at the center of their neighborhoods. As important as living in a…
The Morning Blessings: Mah Tovu / Good Tents
While this beautiful verse was initially stated by Balaam, a fierce enemy of the Jewish people, the sages saw it as the greatest praise. Mah tovu, o’ha’lehcha Ya’akov, mish’k’no’techa…
Book Respect
Because of the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life, the Jewish people are known as “The People of the Book.” Perhaps the Jewish people could also be known as “The People of the Books,”…
Neilah: The Final Service
While one may make requests of God or atone for transgressions at any time of the year, the first ten days of Tishrei (from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur) are considered particularly…
Golden Opportunity
Use the prayer of Neilah and the other Yom Kippur prayers as an opportunity to connect with and come closer to God on this auspicious day. As you take the necessary steps to prepare for…
For The Sins We Committed
One of the main steps in the process of teshuva (repentance) is for penitents to confess their sins and verbalize their errors. In so doing, those who seek forgiveness for committing a…
Balak 5784-2024
“Bilaam, Prophet to the Nations” (updated and revised from Balak 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The Jews and their philosophers have long been troubled by the concept of the…
Say Cheese!
For decades, the word "Polaroid" was synonymous with 60 second instant photography, in an era when film canisters were removed from the camera and developed into photographs by a third…