Study Jewish History
Study Jewish history to appreciate the terrible challenges faced by maranos/annusim such as Dr. Roderigo Lopez during the Middle Ages and be especially thankful that we have the freedom…
Study Jewish History
Learn about historical events including the many challenging and often tragic events that shaped not only Jewish history but also world events as well.
Seek and You Shall Find
Study Jewish texts such as the Talmud and develop an appreciation for the value of asking probing questions that can ultimately lead a person to a deeper sense of Jewish faith.
Study European History
To better appreciate challenges Jews faced in the Ukraine over the centuries, study Jewish history.
Study History
Read about the challenges faced by the conversos, the Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were often forced to disguise their true identity in order to survive.
Daily Dose of Torah Study
Can Torah be studied every day? While there are many Jews who can and do study Torah daily, there are just as many who cannot, due to a wide variety of reasons ranging from lack of time…
Facing The Challenge
Laws about food, business, relationships, worship, time and even the way one should speak...Is Judaism all about laws, about doing this and not doing that? Human nature resists laws and…
And You Shall Teach
Do you know the phone numbers of all of your siblings and your three closest friends? Since the advent of the PDA (personal digital assistant), and perhaps even since the beginning of…
A Phoenix in Bnei Brak
Fifty-five years ago, corresponding to the 20th of Elul, which is today, Rabbi Joseph S. Kahaneman, known to the world as the “Ponevezher Rav,” passed away. Fifty-five years ago,…
A Phoenix in Bnei Brak
Fifty-four years ago, corresponding to the 20th of Elul, which is today, Rabbi Joseph S. Kahaneman, known to the world as the “Ponevezher Rav,” passed away. Who was this man, and what is…