Gummi Worms, Gelatin and Jews
Today is Gummi Worm Day, celebrating the popular sweet and sour candy, which was created by the German confectionary company, Trolli. Gummy Bears were created in 1922 by another German…
Gummi Worms, Gelatin and Jews
Today is Gummi Worm Day, celebrating the popular sweet and sour candy, which was created by the German confectionary company, Trolli. Gummy Bears were created in 1922 by another German…
Finally Buried
On the 4th of Adar 1307, corresponding to today’s Hebrew date, the Maharam of Rothenburg was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Worms, fourteen years after his death. The rabbi’s remains…
What Happened in SHUM?
While most people know about the horrors of the Crusades, many do not realize that there were, in fact, many Crusades over a period of four hundred years, and that most of these Crusades…
How Fortunate We Are
A study of the atrocities that befell the Jews of the Middle Ages in Speyer, Worms and Mainz, should remind us to appreciate how fortunate we are to live in a society where the freedom to…
Finally Buried
On the 4th of Adar 1307, corresponding to today’s Hebrew date, the Maharam of Rothenburg was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Worms, fourteen years after his death. The rabbi’s remains…
Vayeira 5784-2023
Urgent message: Given the most challenging situation in Israel at this time, I urge all to pray for the bereaved families, the hostages, the missing and the many casualties. Please try…
B’shalach 5783-2023
“The Malbim Teaches the Lessons of the Manna” (updated and revised from B’shalach 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week’s parasha, parashat B’shalach, the recently…
Finally Buried
On the 4th of Adar 1307, the Maharam of Rothenburg was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Worms–fourteen years after his death. The rabbi’s remains were released from the fortress of…
Connecting the Words
Jewish Treats looks at a renowned Jewish dictionary that has served scholars and students since the turn of the 20th century. A Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi and…