Can the Theory of Evolution and God Co-Exist?
On this “Darwin Day,” commemorating the birth of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809, we address the issue of Darwin’s own belief in God, given his authorship of the famed Theory of…
Bereshith 5770-2009
"The Hebrew Story of Creation and Its Parallels Among Other Civilizations" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald This week's parasha, parashat Bereishith, is the very first parasha of Genesis, the…
Bereshith 5767-2006
"Pardes--the Four Levels of Understanding Torah" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald The Talmud in Chagiga 14b, tells the story of four great scholars, Ben Azai, Ben Zoma, Acher, and Rabbi Akiva,…
An Interesting Philologist
Language is considered to be one of the unique characteristics of humankind. Lazarus (Eliezer Solomon) Geiger believed that there was a great deal to learn about humanity from studying…
Metzorah 5784-2024
Urgent message: It’s hard to believe that more than six months have passed since the murderous attack on October 7th, and that the most challenging situation in Israel continues, with…
Feeling Fit Focused on Napoleon
Believe it or not, bodybuilding as an international sport, has Jewish roots. Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Ben Weider, who, together with his brother Joe, created the…
An Interesting Philologist
Language is considered to be one of the unique characteristics of humankind. Lazarus (Eliezer Solomon) Geiger believed that there was a great deal to learn about humanity from studying…
Kee Teitzei 5782-2022
“The Torah’s Radical Approach to Child Rearing” (updated and revised from Kee Teitzei 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Kee Teitzei, we learn of a…
An Interesting Philologist
Language is considered to be one of the unique characteristics of humankind. Lazarus (Eliezer Solomon) Geiger, who is recognized as one of the pre-eminent philologists of his time, made…
An Interesting Philologist
Language is considered to be one of the unique characteristics of humankind. Lazarus (Eliezer Solomon) Geiger believed that there was a great deal to learn about humanity from studying…