Yom Kippur 5772-2011
"The Magic of the Day of Atonement"
Yom Kippur, the most awesome day in the Jewish calendar, is also the most magical. Despite our trespasses, G-d guarantees His children forgiveness and redemption.
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Rosh Hashana 5772-2011
“The Dialectic of Joy and Fear”
There is an inherent inconsistency with respect to the nature of the High Holidays. The fear as well as the joy that play prominent roles on these holy days appear to be in conflict.
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Kee Tisah 5771-2011
"The Thirteen Attributes of G-d’s Mercy"
After the sin of the Golden Calf, G-d forgives the people and pronounces what are known as the “13 Attributes of G-d’s Mercy.” These “13 Attributes” are considered the most exalted prayer that a Jew may utter when beseeching G-d for mercy. It is important to know the intended meanings of these fateful words.
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Rosh Hashana-Nitzavim 5769-2008
"Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water"
In this parasha, which contains many cogent Rosh Hashana messages, Moses calls all the people of Israel together on the last day of his life to reaffirm the people's covenant with G-d, making a point of calling the hewers of the wood and the drawers of water. The Torah, in effect, warns us never to judge people by their professions or outward appearances. We hope that in these Days of Judgment, the Al-mighty will judge us favorably as well.
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Haazinu 5765-2004
"Judging Others Favorably and its Impact on Our Own Judgment"
There are many factors that are taken into consideration when the Al-mighty brings us to judgment before the heavenly tribunal. If we judge other human beings favorably in our own human relationships, we can then argue before G-d that we too deserve to be judged favorably.
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5763-2003
"Choosing Life"
In parashat Nitzavim, the Al-mighty begs his children to "choose life." Judaism believes that "healthy guilt" allows us to override our defense mechanisms and helps us acknowledge the changes that we need to make in order to improve our lives, to perfect our situation and to choose life.
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Nitzavim 5761-2001
"Striving to Reach Heaven During the Days of Awe"
During the period of selichot, the Jewish people have a unique opportunity to ascend and grow morally and religiously. It is an opportunity for each of us to improve our attitudes and behaviors, to work on our relationships with humans and with G-d. If we strive to reach heaven, we can rest assured that we will be blessed, because we are on the right track.
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5760-2000
"An Exclusive Covenant with an Inclusive Philosophy"
In parashat Nitzavim, Moses, on the last day of his life, gathers all the Jewish people from the lowliest to the most exalted, to bring them into the covenant. Just as the people did in the time of Moses, we too gather into our synagogues during the Ten Days of Penitence, together with all our Jewish brothers and sisters, those who are worthy and those who seem unworthy. In this singular moment, we stand together as one Jewish people, past, present and future, seeking G-d's mercy.
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Kee Tavo 5760-2000
"Welcoming the Stranger"
May a non-Jew who converts to Judaism say the prayer formula that states that G-d has promised "our fathers" to give us the land and the fruits thereof? We are taught that Abraham is the father, not only of biological Jews but of all righteous proselytes. We therefore must welcome the ger, the stranger, with abundant love, for we were all once strangers.
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