Behar-Yom Ha’atzmaut 5771-2011
"A State is not Delivered on a Silver Platter"
One of the most moving stories to be told regarding the contemporary State of Israel, concerns a great European rabbi, Rabbi Yisroel Zeev Gustman and a famed professor of economics, Robert J. Aumann.
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Toledot 5771-2010
“Isaac, the Man of Commitment”
When comparing Isaac’s experiences in Gerar, we find several similarities with Abraham’s experiences in both Gerar and Egypt. But what accounts for the many differences?
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Chayei Sarah 5771-2010
“What Shall I Do, My Parents Hate Him?!”
In parashat Chayei Sarah, we encounter the world’s first shidduch (arranged marriage) and the world’s first shadchan (matchmaker). In the past, we have discussed how Jewish law mandates that a woman not be married against her will, but what about the more general question related to children who refuse to listen to their parents’ opinion regarding choosing a mate, and wish to marry mates to whom their parents object? What is the protocol?
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Vayeira 5771-2010
"Lessons from the Evil of Sodom"
The Torah tells us that when Lot went out to speak to his sons-in-law to tell them to leave Sodom, he seemed to them as if he were joking. We Jews face serious threats today as well. Let us not look upon these threats with skepticism as if to say that we are impervious to danger.
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Lech Lecha 5771-2010
“Abram Prays for Others”
The Talmud states that those who invoke G-d’s compassion for their neighbors, and who are in need of a similar response, are answered first. In this week’s parasha, we find two instances where the commentaries indicate that Abram prayed for others.
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Chayei Sarah 5770-2009
"The Willing Bride"
When Rebecca is asked by her family members if she wishes to join Eliezer on his journey back to Abraham in Canaan, she responds with a forceful "Yes!" Her response serves as a basis for several important laws that govern parent-child relationships in Judaism.
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Vayeira 5770-2009
"Hospitality at Its Finest"
Abraham speaks to his guests as if they are doing him a favor by accepting his hospitality. Can that be true?!
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Lech Lecha 5770-2009
"Go for Yourself "
The Al-mighty tells Abram to leave his homeland, his relatives and his father's house and go to a land that G-d will show him. Although Abram is instructed to give up his past, he is not told to deny his past. Contemporary Jews, who undertake the journey of embracing tradition, are to be admired for their bold actions. While they may be called upon to abandon much of their past, they dare not deny their past. Doing so is invariably unhealthy and destabilizing.
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Shavuot 5769-2009
"Mother of Royalty"
In the book of Kings, it is stated that King Solomon, set a chair for the "king's mother." In the Talmud, Rav Elazar explains that this referred not to Bathsheba, but rather to the "Mother of Royalty," Ruth. It was the Moabite princess, Ruth, who preserved the quality of loving-kindness that had been long lost amongst the children of Abraham, and reintroduced loving-kindness to the world. We now pray that salvation in our time shall also come from an unexpected and remote source, to enlighten us and redeem our world as well.
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Va’eira 5769-2009
"Why Didn't the Egyptians Rebel Against Pharaoh?"
Egypt had already suffered through seven plagues. The Egyptian people were down on their knees. Why didn't the citizens rebel against Pharaoh? Why did they allow their storied civilization to be destroyed before their very eyes?
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Chayei Sarah 5769-2008
"Mourning and Eulogizing"
In parashat Chayei Sarah, Abraham comes to eulogize Sarah and to weep for her. What is the purpose of a eulogy? Who is it meant to honor, and what is it expected to achieve?
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Vayeira 5769-2008
"Shalom Bayit, Little White Lies"
In parashat Vayeira, when Sarah learns that she is going to have a child at age 90, she laughs skeptically and says, "After I have withered shall I be fertile again, and my husband is old!" When G-d asks Abraham why Sarah has laughed, He omits Sarah's disrespectful reference to Abraham, saying instead that Sarah referred to herself about being old. Why the change?
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Lech Lecha 5769-2008
"A Blessing on Your Head"
When he leaves his homeland and sets forth for Canaan, Abraham is promised by G-d that He will bless those who bless Abraham. This Divine promise has greatly impacted on Abraham's descendants. Blessings have played an enormously important role in many aspects of Jewish life throughout the millennium.
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Bereshith 5769-2008
"The Development of Civilization as Recorded in Genesis"
The Torah is primarily a record of the theological developments and accomplishments of humankind. Only in an indirect manner does the Torah teach about cultural developments and the evolving skills of society. While it is related almost coincidently, the knowledge found in the Torah regarding ancient civilization is invaluable
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