Jewish Penicillin

There is an unusual statement in the Talmud (Berachot 44b) about the therapeutic value of particular foods: “Six things provide a permanent cure for illness: cabbage, beets, an extract of…

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Jewish Professions

Are there certain professions that are “Jewish”? For instance, is finance a “Jewish business”? This is a strange question in the twenty-first century, when Jews can be found in a wide…

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The First Advisor on Jewish Affairs

In 1942, after first serving as a rabbi in Buffalo, New York, and then in Chicago, Illinois, Rabbi Judah Nadich (1912–2007) enlisted in the United States Army as a chaplain. A few months…

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9/11 and Jewish History

The attack on the continental U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001 changed the entire complexion of the United States. Almost 200 years had passed since the last attack on the U.S.…

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The Messiah – A Jewish Concept

Because the concept of a Messiah* (Moshiach in Hebrew) is not overtly mentioned in the five books of the Torah, it is often overlooked as one of the tenets of the Jewish faith. But the…

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Supporting Jewish Causes

While many worthy causes such as hospitals and museums were built as a result of Jewish philanthropy, make certain to also support other Jewish causes, such as Jewish education, helping…

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Support Jewish Archaeology

Whether unearthing previously unknown Jewish volumes or uncovering Jewish sites in Israel and worldwide, investigating and discovering the Jewish past helps ensure a Jewish future.

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Learn the Jewish Calendar

The Jewish people mark time through the Jewish calendar. Every Jewish person should possess a consciousness of Jewish time.

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Support Jewish Treats and NJOP

Jewish Treats is the social media arm of NJOP, a non-profit, non-denominational Jewish organization founded in 1987 to engage millions of Jews through positive, joyous Jewish experiences…

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The Jewish National Council

In the early twentieth century, the land of Israel went from being part of the Ottoman Empire to being a holding of the British. As immigration was continuing to increase and strengthen…

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