For the Love of Torah

Learn how the Ponevezh Yeshiva was built in Bnei Brak, Israel and became an outstanding Torah institution.

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Sad Reality

Unfortunately, in some countries, threats of violence and violence itself, has lead many who once felt safe, to emigrate to other countries in search of a safer haven to live freely as…

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Different Yet Valid Approaches

Study the history of both the Mitnagdic (non-Chassidic) and the Chassidic world in order to better appreciate two different approaches to worshipping God.

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Crash Course in Basic Judaism Web Series

Crash Course inBasic JudaismWeb Series To help prepare you to learn or teach a course on one of these topics, watch master…

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Making An Impact

Study the history of Jews who have settled in a particular country to better appreciate the challenges and triumphs when trying to establish a foothold in a new land.

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