The Thirty-Six

How many truly righteous people do you know? People who not only dedicate themselves to living religious lives but who really strive to serve God, and succeed. The true inner…

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Get Out!

The history of the Jews in Europe can almost be read as a timeline of expulsions. At one time or another, Jews have either been expelled from, or prohibited to settle in, almost every…

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Colonial Outreach: Alliance Israelite Universelle

North American Jews often hear of organizations created for the benefit of both Judaism and Israel, such as Hadassah, Bnai Brith, the Jewish National Fund, etc. And while these…

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The Rabbi of Pressburg

Rabbi Moses Sofer (1762-1839) received his honorific title, Chatam Sofer (Seal of the Scribe), posthumously, after the publication of his acclaimed halachic (Jewish legal) rulings in a…

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In addition to the unique prayer services of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the High Holidays are known for one other service: selichot. A collection of religious poems and verses, selichot…

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Heard About the Jews in Suriname?

Located on the north-east coast of South America, Suriname has a small Jewish community with a long history. Today, this smallest of South American countries has approximately 200 Jews,…

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Redeeming the Captive

If you’re a fan of swashbuckling historical romance novels, then you’ll know that, for much of history, there was a pretty good chance that people from all walks of life might be taken…

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The Law of the Land

For nearly 2000 years, the Jewish people have been in exile. During this time, Jews have lived in nearly every country and under nearly every form of government, while, at the same time,…

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Your Jewish Life Coach

Do you have a life coach? For those unfamiliar with the term, life coaches work to help clients determine and achieve personal goals. While life coaching as a profession in western…

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Torah And The Stars

The Torah is considered to be the blueprint of the entire creation. It is therefore not surprising that the great sages took an interest in the movement of the heavens, both from an…

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