Singing Praises

“...The prophets of the Jewish people ordained that the Hallel be recited on special occasions and celebrations [like Yom Tov], and at times of national deliverance from peril, in…

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There’s a Key in My Challah

It's a fact that many people spend much time thinking and even worrying about par'nassah (livelihood). Jewish tradition teaches that different seasons have different spiritual strengths.…

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A Phrase of Praise

If you’ve ever been in a synagogue and heard a bunch of congregants seemingly mumble something after the chazzan (prayer leader) recited a blessing and wondered what they were saying, and…

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What’s With The Hat?

Hair Is A Woman's Crowning Glory Is there any question that a woman's hair is an essential element of her beauty? Think about all those shampoo commercials where a woman seductively whips…

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Two Days of Festival

Leviticus 23:34-36: On the fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles ... On the first day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no manner of creative labor. For…

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The Rav with the Golden Carriage

The Talmud, which is the written compilation of the Oral Torah, records the discussions and decisions of the scholars who codified Jewish law. Without question, the scholastic scope of…

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The Tosafot Commentaries

One of the most fascinating aspects of Jewish study are the layer upon layer of enlightening and edifying commentaries that can be found when studying texts of the Torah or the Talmud. Of…

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Baron Edmond de Rothschild

Although he came from a prominent banking family and was employed in the family bank, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild (19 August 1845 - 2 November 1934) was best known for his love of…

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First You Then You

From a broad perspective, the opportunity for all members of a prayer service to participate in a Torah Reading Service is an important statement on Jewish inclusion. In reality, however,…

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Annulment of Vows

"I swear that this time I will lose weight" "I am going to pray every day..." We make promises all the time. We swear that we are going to do something, and then hope that we will be in a…

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