Samuel Gompers, Labor Leader

Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Samuel Gompers, a man who helped transform the early American Labor Movement. Born in London, England, on January 27, 1850, Gompers was the son…

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Radio Man

The World Day of Radio, that is held annually on February 13th, was approved by the 26th General Conference of UNESCO on November 3, 2011. Its goal is to emphasize the importance of radio…

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Terumah 5782-2022

“Being Transported by Torah” (updated and revised from Terumah 5764-2004) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Terumah, the Al-mighty reveals His plans for the…

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Shabbat Inspires

NJOP reached out to a diverse group of Jewish people and asked them to tell us what it is about Shabbat that keeps drawing them back to celebrate each week. View all of the videos below.…

Passover II 5782-2022

Passover II 5782-2022 “Counting the Omer” (Revised and updated from Passover II 5768-2008) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In parashat Emor, we learn of the mitzvah of counting the Omer. In…

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Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day

On the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, in the year 5708, corresponding to May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was born. On that day, the British Mandate was terminated, and Jewish…

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Berlin’s Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary

On May 11, 1820, a child was born in Prussia who would, as a grown man, almost single-handedly change the face of German Jewry. Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer attended yeshiva in Hanover, and,…

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The Importance of Dad

In honor of Father’s Day, Jewish Treats presents this classic Treat on the importance of a father. Where does a child learn to be a mentsch (a good person)? From his/her parents! Indeed,…

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Chukat 5782-2022

“A Tribute to Miriam, Our Sister” (updated and revised from Chukat 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parshat Chukat, sadly informs us of the death of Miriam.…

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Houston Healthcare

Many cities have Jewish hospitals, but only Houston has a Jewish Institute of Medical Research. In the 1950s, Houston’s Jewish community sought to create a medical facility that had a…

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