Prayers for Israeli Soldiers

These are difficult days for the Jewish people. Vivid print descriptions and horrific images are being circulated of the atrocities committed against Jews living in Israel in recent days.…

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When Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky was born on October 18, 1880, in Odessa, it was virtually inconceivable that he would become a staunch advocate for the resettlement of the Jewish…

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American Appreciation

Take a moment to appreciate the privilege of living in a Malchut Shel Chesed, a kingdom of kindness, that is America, where Jews can live Jewishly and support Jewish causes as we choose.…

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Living in The Pinch

In honor of National Tennessee Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief history of the Jewish community of Memphis. American Jewish culture thrives upon the communal memory of New York City’s…

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Isaac, Son of Abraham

Born to aged parents (Sarah was 90, Abraham was 100), Isaac was Abraham’s sole heir. This meant more than inheriting his wealth, it meant becoming the leading advocate of monotheism.…

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Leah’s Story

On the morning after Jacob was to marry Rachel, he woke to find that his new bride was actually Rachel’s older sister Leah. The Midrash records that Jacob said to Leah: “Deceiver,…

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Giving Gifts

“A person who is diligent in lighting Chanukah candles will have children who are scholars” (Talmud Shabbat 23b). The desire for scholarly children was actually one of the motivations for…

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Majority Rules

After the Torah was given, Moses served as the sole judge of the Jewish people until a judicial hierarchy was established at the suggestion of Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law. One judge was…

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Jewish Boxing Days?

In many countries, especially those associated with the United Kingdom, December 26th is known as Boxing Day. There are divergent views as to the source of this day and the origin of the…

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True Love

Marvel at the profound impact that adopting parents often have upon the life of their adopted child. As is well known, while Moses grew up in the lap of luxury, in Pharaoh’s palace, it is…

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