
Strengthen your relationship with your partner by taking thoughtful, encouraging steps to bring out the best in them. According to Rashi, the classic commentator on the Bible, a spouse…

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Time for Contemplation

Set aside a few quiet moments each day to appreciate all the goodness that God has bestowed upon you. While taking time to contemplate life, it’s important to consider how best to face…

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His Tricks Were Quite A Treat

It is commonly acknowledged that the magician and escape artist Harry Houdini (1874-1926) set the standard for all performing magicians to come. Many people are also aware of the fact…

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Name Change

It is not a coincidence that cultures around the world share a belief in the power of given names. In Judaism, it is believed that parents are granted a flash of ruach hakodesh, Divine…

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Our Words Matter

Our words really matter, especially when it comes to controversial topics that tend to inflame. Before speaking, consider the possible ramifications and impact of your words upon those…

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Placing A Veil

One of the most beautiful customs of a traditional Ashkenazi wedding is the ceremony known as the badeken. The term badeken* is Yiddish for covering, as this is the moment when the bride…

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Fine Words

When in the presence of a recently married bride or groom, say nice things about their new spouse. While the badeken gives the bridegroom the opportunity to make sure she is the woman…

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Can You Say A Little Prayer For Me?

It states in the Talmud, “Rabbi Pinchas ben Hama gave the following exposition, ‘Whosoever has a sick person in his house should go to a tzaddik (righteous person) who will invoke…

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Before You Light at Sundown

Just before lighting candles for Shabbat, say a prayer for those you know who need to be healed or are waiting to meet their soul mate. The Talmud Baba Kamma 92a notes that if a person…

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Focus on Your Blessings

Transform feelings of jealousy by focusing on the blessings you have in your life. According to the Midrash, the Matriarch Rachel, referred to in in Hebrew as Rachel Emeinu, and in…

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