Blessed Is He Who Makes Strange Creatures

An individual might not think that Jewish Treats would have much to say about “Peculiar People Day,” as January 10th has been dubbed by those who create new holidays. However, the sages…

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Seek Out The Positive

An ethical dilemma: A close friend confides in you that he/she recently purchased an expensive, one-of-a-kind, non-returnable item. When he/she shows it to you, you are immediately aware…

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In honor of National Handwriting Day, which is today, Jewish Treats explores the unique calligraphy practiced by a Jewish sofer (scribe). The Hebrew letters used in a Torah scroll, as…

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Blue Laws and the Supreme Court

In honor of the first session of the United States Supreme Court (February 2, 1790), Jewish Treats looks at one of the first Jewish issues brought before the Supreme Court Justices: Blue…

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The Foods of Tu b’Shevat

Today, Jews around the world will celebrate Tu b’Shevat, the new year of the trees. Tu b’Shevat is often celebrated with the seven species for which the Torah praises the land of Israel:…

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Yitro 5783-2023

Yitro 5783-2023 “Why G-d Can Not Share the Limelight” (updated and revised from Yitro 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Yitro, the Al-mighty…

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On the Wings of Eagles

In parashat Yitro, this week’s Torah portion, God instructs Moses to address the Children of Israel and to say to them: “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on…

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Jethro’s Tell

Great leaders are often those who are able to accept criticism. It seems to be, the higher an individual’s position of leadership, the fewer suggestions people are willing to make.…

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Celebrating with a Parade

Name a Jewish celebration that is not a wedding, but still includes a chuppah, music and dancing. The answer is a Hachnassat Sefer Torah, literally “Welcoming the Torah Scroll,” the…

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Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Mussar Movement

The Mussar movement, the formal study and program of ethical improvement, was developed in the mid-nineteenth century by Rabbi Israel Salanter (1810-1883). Rabbi Israel’s family name was…

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