B’shalach 5783-2023
“The Malbim Teaches the Lessons of the Manna” (updated and revised from B’shalach 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week’s parasha, parashat B’shalach, the recently…
The Challenge of Fitting In
The weekly Torah reading of Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17), which almost always coincides with Chanukah, tells the story of the rise of Joseph the son of Jacob from slave to viceroy. And…
Mikeitz 5783-2022
“In Those Days, in These Times” (updated and revised from Mikeitz 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald As we have previously noted, the story of Joseph may be seen as the story of an…
Chayei Sarah 5783-2022
“The Torah’s Recipe for Finding a Proper Mate” (updated and revised from Chayei Sarah 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald One of the critical issues facing contemporary American…
Haazinu 5783-2022
“The Final Song” (updated and revised from Haazinu 1999-5759) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Haazinu, features the final song which Moses sings before his…
Vayeilech,Yom Kippur,Weekly Message
Vayeilech/Yom Kippur 5783-2022
“Difficult Transitions” (Updated and revised from Vayeilech/Yom Kippur 5769-2008) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald On the last day of his life, Moses seals the new covenant with the People…
Re'eh,Weekly Message,Uncategorized
Re’eh 5782-2022
“Identifying a True Prophet” (updated and revised from Re’eh 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Re’eh, the Torah warns the Jewish people not to…
Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple
This coming Saturday night and Sunday, Jews the world over will be observing the fast of Tisha b’Av. It is on this day of the Hebrew calendar that the Jewish people mourn the destruction…
Devarim 5782-2022
“The Gentle Reproof” (updated and revised from Devarim 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week, congregations the world over finally align their Torah readings with Israel, and…
Mikeitz-Chanukah 5782-2021
“What is Chanukah Really About?” (updated and revised from Mikeitz 5761-2000) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Mikeitz, continues the magnificent saga of…