Devarim 5784-2024
“The Book of Deuteronomy-Mishneh Torah and the Purpose of Repetition” (updated and revised from Devarim 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Devarim,…
Smashing the Tablets
The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of Tammuz, today's date which we observe as a fast day. Days of what we might now call “bad karma” (on which bad things…
Thanks for the Water
Before enjoying a glass of cold water, say the blessing: Ba'ruch Ah'tah Ah'doh'nai Eh'lo'hay'nu Melech ha'o'lam sheh'ha'kohl nee'h'yeh bid'varo. (Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of…
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Prepare for Shavuot by downloading our free eBook "Jewish Treats on The Ten Commandments" by clicking here.
Vayakhel 5784-2024
“Bezalel's Artistic Legacy” (updated and revised from Vayakhel 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald When this week’s parasha, parashat Vayakhel, lists the abundant talents of Bezalel,…
Pidyon Ha’ben – Redeeming the Firstborn
“You must redeem the firstborn of a person…when he is one month old, for the value of five silver shekels” (Numbers 18:15-16). God sanctified the firstborn male Israelites when He…
Enjoy Shabbat
Learn how to properly prepare coffee on Shabbat so you can relax and enjoy a delicious hot cup while celebrating Shabbat. The Aseret Hadibrot better known as the “Ten Commandments” appear…
Vayechi 5784-2023
Urgent message: Given the most challenging situation in Israel at this time, I urge all to pray for the bereaved families, the hostages, the missing and the many casualties. Please try to…
Smashing the Tablets
Today's date on the Jewish calendar is the Seventeenth of Tammuz. The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of Tammuz, which is why the day is observed as a fast…
Head Start
Prepare for Shavuot by downloading our free eBook "Jewish Treats on the Ten Commandments" by clicking here.