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Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Tonight, starts the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the Gathering of the Eighth, a connected, yet independent holiday, that immediately follows Sukkot. During the seven days of…
Why is Jerusalem Not Mentioned in the Torah?
In the first aliyah of parashat Re’eh, the Torah mentions 16 times an unknown place where God will choose to rest His Presence. Now, thousands of years later, we know that place to be the…
Miraculous Survival and the Growth of Torah
Appreciate the miraculous survival of the Mir Yeshiva in Shanghai during World War II and the success of the Yeshiva thereafter both in Jerusalem, Israel and in Brooklyn, NY.
Does the Torah Support the Belief in Extraterrestrial Life?
Today, July 2nd, is celebrated, worldwide, as “World UFO Day.” On July 2, 1947, W.W. “Mac” Brazel discovered a metallic object on his Roswell, NM ranch. The U.S. government claimed that…
Preparing for the Torah
Shortly after the Israelites encamped at the base of Mount Sinai, they agreed to accept the Torah and do all that God had commanded. And so, God declared that He would bring Himself, in…
Rebirth of a Torah Institution in Berlin
Learn about the Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin and its reopening in 2009, 71 years after it was closed by the Nazis.
Torah as a Guidepost
To gain masterful insight and develop a blueprint on Jewish living, study the weekly Torah portion.
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Tonight begins the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the Gathering of the Eighth, a connected, yet independent holiday, that immediately follows Sukkot. During the seven days of…
Simchat Torah 5781-2020
“Celebrating Torah” (Updated and revised from Simchat Torah 5764-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Because of the festivals of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, we do not read…