First on the Court

Born in 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, Louis Dembitz Brandeis was the child of European immigrants who maintained a minimal Jewish identity. However, his maternal uncle, Lewis Dembitz,…

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Jewish Trailblazer

Appreciate Jewish trailblazers like Justice Louis Brandeis who, as the first Jew confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice, broke through the glass ceiling, opening the door for other Jewish…

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Give Them a Choice

There is an oft-cited Midrash (Sifrei, Dvarim 343) describing how God offered the Torah to the other nations of the world before He gave it to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. According…

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For Peace

Always do what you can to promote a peaceful relationship between a husband and wife. Aaron, Moses’ brother, was known as someone who sought to make peace wherever possible. In the first…

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What A Player

Today marks 178 years since the first official game of baseball was played on June 19, 1846. In honor of this anniversary, today’s Jewish Treat presents a brief biography of a unique…

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