Time to Focus
Since the new month of Mar-Cheshvan does not contain any Jewish holidays, seize the opportunity to attend a class, lecture series or begin studying the weekly Torah portion to enhance…
Time to Act
Don't sit on the sidelines. There's much we can do to help our brothers and sisters in Israel who need our support.
Shopping Time
Contact your synagogue or local Jewish community center to find a location to purchase a beautiful lulav and etrog for Sukkot.
Now’s the Time
During this particularly auspicious time leading up to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, think about ways in which you can come closer to God.
Time to Say “I’m Sorry”
In the run-up to the High Holidays, use the month of Elul proactively by approaching those we may have wronged and ask them for forgiveness.
Time to Make Amends
Use the current month of Elul as an opportunity to seek out those you may have wronged, to ask for forgiveness. While observing someone we know acting inappropriately, rather than presume…
Crunch Time
In commemoration of Pesach Sheni, the Second Passover, enjoy some matzah tomorrow.
A Time to Reflect
Take a moment, tonight and tomorrow, on Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, to reflect on the heroic self-sacrifice of Israel’s soldiers to help preserve and protect the Modern State of…
Challah Time
Enjoy fresh challah tonight for Shabbat and remember to dip it into salt before eating. We know that salt had to be placed on sacrificial offerings in the Temple, and some commentaries…
Nap Time
Today, March 13th, is National Napping Day. If you’ve had a rough time and are only now slowly recuperating from resetting your clock after “springing forward” on early Sunday morning,…