Mikeitz 5778-2017
“Returning the Stolen Goblet to Joseph” In this week’s parasha, parashat Mikeitz, the confrontation between Joseph and his brethren reaches its peak when Joseph’s steward accuses…
Kee Tavo 5777-2017
“The Choice Parts to G-d” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Parashat Kee Tavo is best known for the second תּוֹכֵחָה , Tochacha, G-d’s second reproof of the People of Israel. The first is…
Va’etchanan 5777-2017
“The Power of Prayer” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Va’etchanan, we read of Moses’ powerful prayers to be allowed to enter into the land of Israel, and…
A Diplomat to Romania
In July 1944, it was announced that a new Liberty ship under construction was to be named for Benjamin Franklin Peixotto (November 13, 1834 - September 18, 1890). The descendant of…
Emor 5777-2017
“Communicating a Vital Message Clearly” by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Emor, contains 63 mitzvot-- 39 negative and 24 positive. Parashat Emor ranks second, after…
Shemini 5777-2017
“The Unending Mourning" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Shemini, we read of the tragic deaths of Aaron’s two oldest sons, Nadav and Abihu. The deaths…
Shoftim 5776-2016
“The Dangers of Pridefulness" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald One of the fascinating topics that we find in this week’s parasha, parashat Shoftim, is the Torah’s prediction that in the…
Tazria 5776-2016
“Heavenly Reminders” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Tazria, focuses on the Biblical malady known as צָרַעַת--Tzara'at, often incorrectly identified as……
Mishpatim 5776-2016
“Jewish Women and Conjugal Rights” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Mishpatim, we learn the remarkable law of the Hebrew maidservant, known in Hebrew as,…
Passover II 5775-2015
“The Final Days: Expressing Gratitude” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov, in his masterful work Sefer HaTodaah (The Book of Our Heritage), explains that the seventh day of…