Book Respect
Because of the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life, the Jewish people are known as, "The People of the Book." Perhaps the Jewish people could also be known as, "The People of the…
Exceptional Virtue
Study the Book of Ruth to more fully appreciate Ruth's extraordinary kindness and the remarkable turn of events that impacted Jewish history. Click here to read the Book of Ruth in both…
War Ethics
Tanach, the Jewish Scriptures, were canonized by the Sages due to the messages they convey for the Jewish people and humankind. Morality during war is a major topic discussed in Tanach…
Familiarize Yourself with the Book of Ruth
The Book of Ruth, one of the 24 volumes of Tanach (Jewish bible) was canonized and included in Jewish Scriptures for a reason. Find a commentary with which you are comfortable and study…
Berlin’s Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary
On May 11, 1820, a child was born in Prussia who would, as a grown man, almost single-handedly change the face of German Jewry. Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer attended yeshiva in Hanover, and…
Out To Sea
In honor of International Seafarers Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief look at seafaring in the biblical canon. The patriarchs and matriarchs were total “landlubbers.” In fact, the…
The Spiritual Harvest of the Ant
Are you familiar with Aesop’s Fable of “The Ant and the Grasshopper”? It’s a morality tale about hard work and planning ahead, and it might just have you picturing the original version of…
The Book(s) of Maccabees
Chanukah is neither directly ordained in the Torah (like Rosh Hashana, Passover, etc.) nor mentioned in any other biblical text (as Purim is in the Book of Esther). The Books of Maccabees…
What You Say to the King
Is it okay to malign the leader(s) of the country? In the United States, the concept of freedom of speech allows for a great range of political commentary and criticism. Whether this is…
The Book(s) of Maccabees
Chanukah is neither directly ordained in the Torah (like Rosh Hashana, Passover, etc.) nor mentioned in any other biblical text (as Purim is in the Book of Esther). The Books of Maccabees…