For The Dogs

The domestication of dogs is as old as…well, actually, there are varying scientific opinions. The remains of what seem to be domesticated dogs appear among the fossilized remains of the…

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Jokes On Us

“Knock. Knock” “Who’s There?” “Jewish” “Jewish Who?” “Jewish Treats” ….Ok, not so funny, but, when you get to the bottom of it, April Fool's Day (or All Fools Day) is hardly a Jewish…

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Goodly Tents

Much of Jewish life is built around community. Jews often live in close proximity to each other, in many instances with a synagogue or synagogues at the center of their neighborhoods. As…

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Labor, Technology and the Torah

Labor celebrations have taken place throughout North America since the 1880s, and in 1894, Labor Day became an official U.S. holiday. As students of history are well aware, in the decades…

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Can You Say A Little Prayer For Me?

It states in the Talmud, “Rabbi Pinchas ben Hama gave the following exposition, ‘Whosoever has a sick person in his house should go to a tzaddik (righteous person) who will invoke…

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Before You Light at Sundown

Just before lighting candles for Shabbat, say a prayer for those you know who need to be healed or are waiting to meet their soul mate. The Talmud Baba Kamma 92a notes that if a person…

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Dinah, The Daughter of Jacob

Dinah, the seventh and youngest child of Leah and Jacob, was born the same year as her half-brother Joseph. In fact, the Talmud (Brachot 60a) notes that Leah specifically prayed for her…

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Humiliation Day

In an effort to make the calendar more interesting, there are many days on the calendar that have been designated as “holidays.” Many of these so-called “holidays” are intended to be cute…

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For The Dogs

Today is National Puppy Day. The domestication of dogs is as old as…well, actually, there are varying scientific opinions. The remains of what seem to be domesticated dogs appear among…

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Five Wise Sisters

Few women are mentioned by name in the Torah, and those who are, are generally major players (i.e. Sarah, Rachel, Miriam). Yet twice in the Torah, Mach’lah, Noa, Hoglah, Milcah and…

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