National Hermit Day

Judaism is not known for encouraging asceticism (abstinence from mortal pleasure). While the Torah commands the Jewish people to “afflict” themselves on Yom Kippur by fasting and…

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Go Vote! It’s an American and Jewish Value!

Voting in free and fair elections is one of the most profound privileges that Americans and citizens of other democratic countries enjoy. Almost 700,000 American soldiers* have died in…

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A Kosher Buffet

While it seems a bit counterintuitive to have a day celebrating abundant eating the day after a national holiday, nevertheless, January 2nd is celebrated as “Buffet Day.” The concept of a…

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Justice and Ambassador

On August 8, 1908, Rebecca and Joseph Goldberg were blessed with their eighth child, whom they named Arthur. As the youngest in the family, Arthur was the only Goldberg who was not forced…

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In Honor of National Doctor’s Day

If you enjoy television medical dramas, then you probably have certain pre-conceived notions about doctors. After all, we see the doctors on television far more often than we see our own…

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Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day

Yom Hashoah, is observed each year on the 27th of Nissan, which is today. Jews around the world will mark Yom Hashoah (Officially Yom Ha’zikaron La’shoah V’ha’g’vurah, which translates to…

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Precious Creation

While there are many appropriate themes with which the Torah in Genesis 1 could have begun (Abraham, Mt. Sinai, etc.), it begins instead with a day-by-day description of the creation of…

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Israel’s Memorial Day

The State of Israel’s independence, as well as its continued survival, is a modern-day miracle. But it has come at great cost in human lives and to its citizens. Therefore, before Israel…

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The Feast of Weeks

Shavuot, which we begin celebrating this Thursday night (May 25th), is the only holiday listed in the Torah without the date on which it is to be observed. Rather, the Torah states that…

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Preparing for the Torah

Shortly after the Israelites encamped at the base of Mount Sinai, they agreed to accept the Torah and do all that God had commanded. And so, God declared that He would bring Himself, in…

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