Oh Rabbi

When you have questions about Jewish observance, ask your rabbi.

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Your Rabbi

Follow the dictate of Ethics of our Fathers and find a rabbi who can provide positive guidance for your own Jewish living.

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Ask The Rabbi

When you have questions about Jewish law and observance, be sure to ask your rabbi for guidance.

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Oh Rabbi

When you have questions about Jewish observance, ask a rabbi.

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Your Rabbi

Follow the dictate of Ethics of our Fathers and find a rabbi who can provide positive guidance for your own Jewish living.

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Your Rabbi

Follow the dictate of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of our Fathers, and find a rabbi who can provide positive guidance for your own Jewish living.

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HRCC-Level 1 With Rabbi Zev Kahn

HRCC-Level 1 With Rabbi Zev KahnRegister for the Hebrew Reading Crash Course Level One with Rabbi Zev Kahn Six 1 hour Sessions…

Israel’s Memorial Day

The State of Israel's independence, as well as its continued survival, is a modern day miracle. But, it has come at great cost in human lives to its citizens. (There have been over 24,293…

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How Israel Got A King

The first king of Israel, Saul, the son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin, was anointed by Samuel the Prophet approximately 400 years after the Israelites conquered the land of Israel.…

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Israel Under Fire

Once again, the State of Israel is under siege having been attacked by terrorists whose very purpose is to inflict pain and suffering upon thousands of innocent victims. We are devastated…

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