Swim Baby Swim

Hot summer days and dramatic Olympic competitions bring to mind the…

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Why It’s Called Hebrew

The word Hebrew, according to etymological sources, is a transliteration of the word Ivri, which is a descriptive term used for Abraham in Genesis 14:13: “And there came one [from the…

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Appreciate The Teacher

“No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks...” It’s an old childhood rhyme that reflects every child’s longing for the freedom of summer. It is also an excellent…

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Yoma 35b

...A sensuous person will be asked, "What stopped you from learning Torah?" "What should I have done?" he will excuse himself. "I love life - it is full of pleasure and beauty. I was…

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And You Shall Teach

Do you know the phone numbers of all of your siblings and your three closest friends? Since the advent of the PDA (personal digital assistant), and perhaps even since the beginning of…

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War In The Torah

The Torah’s protocols of war begin with the following verse: "When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses, chariots and a nation greater than you..." (Deuteronomy 20).…

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A Look At The Law

There are three types of laws in the Torah...mishpatim, edot and chukim: Mishpatim are basic laws. In fact, mishpatim are generally translated as those laws which are necessary and…

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Kedoshim 5760 – 2000

"The Revolutionary Idea of Holiness" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, Parashat K'doshim, we encounter that magical and revolutionary word which the Torah has…

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Shemot 5764-2004

"The Message of the Burning Bush" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Shemot, we read of G-d's revelation to Moses from the "s'neh," the burning bush.…

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Bereshith 5781-2020

“The Origins and Meaning of Evil” (updated and revised from Bereshith 5762-2001) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   After 9/11 and the World Trade Center terrorist bombings, we thought…

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