Seeking God in Elul

In anticipation of the High Holy Days and during the High Holy Days themselves, Psalm 27 is read twice daily from the beginning of the month of Elul through the entire holiday of Sukkot,…

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Everyday Miracles

While the manna that descended from heaven was certainly miraculous, recognize how many miracles occur all around us on any given day. The manna that the Jewish nation received each day…

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Humble Bee

February 22nd has been declared “Be Humble Day,” a “holiday” that most likely originated from the online greeting card industry. Nevertheless, a day dedicated to the importance of being…

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The Most Popular Non-Holiday Event on Jewish Calendars

In honor of tonight’s celebration of the 28th annual SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA, Jewish Treats proudly presents a history of this iconic Jewish event. SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND…

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