Don’t Waste Time
Make certain that you have proper directions when travelling.
Waste Not, Want Not
Avoid wasting food by using leftovers creatively. For instance, leftover hamburger or meatloaf can be transformed into shepherds pie.
Eat and Save
"Eat your peas! There are children starving in Africa!" "No dessert until you eat all the food on your plate!" "Waste not, want not." Today, June 5, 2020, is the United Nations…
Eat and Save
“Eat your peas. There are children starving in Africa.” “No dessert, until you eat all the food on your plate.” “Waste not, want not.” Today, June 5, 2013, is the United Nations…
Shoftim 5768-2008
"Waste Not--Want Not" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week's parasha, parashat Shoftim, we are introduced to the concept of Bal Tashchit, the prohibition of wanton waste and…
Shemini 5776-2016
“Good Intentions Gone Awry” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Shemini, we learn of the tragic deaths of Aaron’s oldest sons, Nadav and Abihu, who were punished…
Behar,Weekly Message,Bechukotai
Behar-Bechukotai 5778-2018
“Torah From Sinai” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The opening verses of parashat Behar, the first of this week’s combined parashiyot, Behar and Bechukotai, speak of the laws of Shemitah,…
Resource Sharing
June 5 has been declared World Environment Day by the United Nations. In honor of this year’s theme, “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care,” Jewish Treats presents a brief…
Sustainable Living
In Rio this week, politicians and activists from around the world are meeting at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The Torah has always been concerned with the…
Bereshith-Simchat Torah 5766-2005
"P'roo Ur'voo--Jewish Attitudes Towards Procreation" Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald For some parents, the greatest gift in life is having children. For other parents, the greatest challenge, is…