Not the Time for Idle Thoughts
The words of the sages compiled in Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers have multiple layers of meaning. They can be applied to specific types of people at specific times but can also be…
Thoughts to Ponder
Today is the fast of the Tenth of Tevet, which commemorates the beginning of the siege that led to the destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian exile. Take time today to…
Mourning Thoughts
Spend time today thinking about what it means to mourn the loss of the Temple.
Food Thoughts
Try to reduce the amount of excess food (food that you often do not eat before its expiration date) that you purchase.
Deep Thoughts
Share a thought on the parasha (weekly Torah portion) with whomever you are eating dinner tonight. Helpful hint, this week features the last three of the ten plagues.
First Thoughts
Begin thinking about Passover preparations with Jewish Treats' "Passover Seder Cheat Sheet." (Download for free here.)
Thoughts for the Heart
February has been designated American Heart Month. For many years, heart disease was considered to be a mostly male affliction. In order to compensate for, and correct that misconception,…
Thoughts on Shevat
Although the Torah implies that Abraham and his descendants are removed from the fate of the stars (based on Genesis 15:5, Nedarim 32a) - meaning that their personal destinies are not…
School Thoughts
September looms and children all over have either just begun school or will be starting shortly. Judaism has always been a culture focused on learning. The Torah commands parents to teach…