Oh My Achin’ Tooth
On some lists of quaint holidays celebrated in the month of February, today is marked as National Toothache Day. Anyone who has ever suffered the trauma of an aching tooth may wonder why…
Oh My Achin’ Tooth
On some lists of quaint holidays celebrated in the month of February, today is marked as National Toothache Day. Anyone who has ever suffered the trauma of an aching tooth may wonder why…
Oh, My Aching Tooth
On some lists of quaint holidays celebrated in the month of February, today is marked as National Toothache Day. Anyone who has ever suffered the trauma of an aching tooth may wonder why…
Oh, My Aching Tooth
On some lists of quaint holidays celebrated in the month of February, today is marked as National Toothache Day. Anyone who has ever suffered the trauma of an aching tooth may wonder why…
Mishpatim 5781-2021
“‘An Eye for an Eye’ in Jewish Law” (updated and revised from Mishpatim 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Mishpatim, the Torah introduces the…
Mishpatim 5762-2002
"'An Eye for an Eye' in Jewish Law" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Mishpatim, the Torah introduces the fundamental legal system of Israel. Both,…
Mikeitz 5769-2008
"Measure for Measure" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald In ancient civilizations, it was not uncommon for legal systems to practice what is known as Lex Talionis, an eye for an eye or measure for…
An Eye For Civil Law
You’ve heard the phrase “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand...” And you’ve likely heard frightening stories of societies in which this biblical rule is applied…
Assisting a Runaway
Once upon a time, slavery was an almost universally accepted economic system. Whatever our values and opinions about slavery may be today, slaves were a fact of life in the not nearly so…
At The Mercy Of British Kings
Most people recognize Richard the Lionheart and his brother John from the saga of Robin Hood. In these overly-romanticized tales, Richard is the hero king fighting in the Crusades, while…