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NJOP's 37th Annual Dinner

SUNDAY, March 2nd, 6PM EST, at Lincoln Square Synagogue

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Dinner Theme

In the Merit of Righteous Jewish Women

Honoring the valor and strength of Jewish women who have empowered NJOP to help tens of thousands of Jews embrace their heritage and to those women who are courageously defending our homeland.

More than 2,000 years ago, our rabbis boldly declared that the Jewish people were redeemed from Egypt because of Righteous Jewish Women. Over the past 37 years, NJOP has been inspired and supported by many extraordinary Jewish women who have championed NJOP’s cause, enabling tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters to connect more meaningfully to the beauty of Jewish life and Jewish living, ensuring a lasting impact for generations to come.

NJOP Celebrates 37 Years of Achievements

In the Merit of Righteous Jewish Women

Aidel Buchwald and Laurel E. Henschel

Elli and Israel Krakowski Memorial Award

Ariela Jacobs

Carl and Sylvia Freyer Young Leadership Award

Amy Gugig

Leslie Nelkin Special Service Award

Memorial Tribute

Beryl Levenson, z"l and Sylvia Freyer, z"l

Special Memorial Tribute

Honorary Dinner Chairs

Diane & The Honorable Robert Abrams

Bernard Goldberg

Helen Nash

About NJOP

NJOP*, an independent, non-denominational, Jewish non-profit organization, was established in 1987 by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald in response to the spiraling losses of Jews from Jewish life due to assimilation and lack of Jewish knowledge.

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