Sukkot 5780-2019
“A Sukkot Story: Devotion to a Festival”
(Updated and revised from Sukkot 5761-2000)
The great O’heiv Yisrael, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, taught a wealthy Jew with an Etrog, what it means to be devoted to the festival of Sukkot.
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Bo 5779-2019
"Nothing Stands in the Way of Teshuva!"
Nothing stands in the way of Teshuva. Even wicked Pharaoh can repent.
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Sukkot 5761-2000
"The Sukkot Story: Devotion to a Festival"
Devotion to G-d must be wholehearted. Earning a place in the World to Come must be due to a person's good deeds, and not one's superior negotiation skills.
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