Shelach 5778-2018
“Moses Called Hoshea the Son of Nun, ‘Joshua’”
Why did Moses pray for the well-being of only Joshua, and not for the well-being of Caleb and the other 10 scouts?
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Shelach 5777-2017
“The Slave Mentality”
Without faith, the people cannot overcome their fears that are stoked by a slave mentality. This is not a people who can succeed in the Promised Land. Only a new generation, who have a relationship with the Al-mighty based on a loving faith will enter the land.
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Shelach 5769-2009
"Long-Term Consequences"
When the ancient Israelites heard the evil reports of the ten scouts, they stayed up all night and cried. The Talmud states that G-d reacted to this crying by declaring "You cried for no reason, I will give you good cause to cry." That very day, the 9th of Av, was consequently designated in Jewish history as a day of evil in which many calamities occurred, including the destruction of both Temples. Although G-d forgave the young generation of the wilderness, He still held the people accountable for what they had done. Contemporary Jews must also consider the role they play and the long-term consequences of their actions.
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Shelach 5767-2007
"The Ma'ah'peelim: Forcing Their Way Into the Promised Land"
Because of the evil reports of the ten scouts recorded in parashat Shelach, G-d decrees that the generation of the wilderness shall not enter the land of Israel. Nevertheless, the next morning, a large group of people arise early to force their way up the mountain toward Canaan and are smitten by the Amalekites and the Canaanites. These rebels are known as the "Ma'ah'peelim." Why were they not allowed into the land of Israel, and why were they punished so severely?
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