Re’eh 5784-2024
“Adding or Subtracting”
(updated and revised from Re’eh 5766-2006)
In parashat Re'eh, we learn of the prohibition of adding or subtracting from the Torah. Any attempt to manipulate the Biblical text would imply that the Commandments are imperfect or irrelevant. And yet, rabbis throughout the ages, built fences around the mitzvot and added festivals and observances. How could that be justified?
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Devarim 5780-2020
“Eichah, The Annual Search for Meaning and Introspection”
(updated and revised from Parashat Devarim 5761-2001)
In order for the Fast of the 9th of Av to be meaningful, it is necessary to focus on the fast’s proper message. Eichah and Ah’yeka are two of the prominent themes of Tisha b’Av. G-d asks the Jews: “Where are you? What have you done with your lives? How could this tragedy have possibly happened?” We, of course, need to ask, how can we improve ourselves?
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5774-2014
“Repentance-With a Little Help from our Friend in Heaven!”
After numerous dreaded imprecations, the Torah predicts that the People Of Israel will repent and will be returned by G-d to their land. The Al-mighty even promises to assist the people in their process of repentance.
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Chayei Sarah 5772-2011
“The Mystery of Machpelah”
Why was Abraham so singularly determined to bury Sarah in the cave of Machpelah? Apparently, the cave had a very special meaning to him. As a result of Abraham’s actions, Machpelah was to develop into a most revered location for all Jews throughout the ages.
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Tetzaveh 5771-2011
"Do Clothes Make The Man?"
Just as the ancient priests, who served in the Temple, wore special vestments, so should every Jew be dressed in a special way, to reflect their spiritual roles as servants of the Al-mighty.
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Re’eh 5766-2006
"Adding or Subtracting"
In parashat Re'eh, we learn of the prohibition of adding or subtracting from the Torah. Any attempt to manipulate the Biblical text would imply that the Commandments are imperfect or irrelevant. And yet, rabbis throughout the ages built fences around the mitzvot and added festivals and observances. How can that be justified?
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Devarim-Tisha B’Av 5761-2001
"Eichah, The Annual Search for Meaning and Introspection"
In order for the Fast of the 9th of Av to be meaningful, it is necessary for us to focus on the proper message. Eichah and Ah'yeka are two of the prominent themes of Tisha Ba'Av. G-d asks the Jews: Where are you? What have you done with your lives? How can this tragedy have possibly happened? How can we improve ourselves?
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Tetzaveh 5760-2000
"Clothes: A Reflection of the Divine Image"
Clothes play an important role in Judaism and in Jewish tradition. After all, the Al-mighty was the first designer of clothes for Adam and Eve. The clothes that the priests wore not only invested them with sanctity, but also represented the values that the priests were trying to communicate to the people.
0 Comments10 Minutes