The Chazon Ish
Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, known as the Chazon Ish, was considered to be one of the most important rabbinic voices in Europe and Israel in the period before World War II and its…
Connecting the Words
Jewish Treats looks at a renowned Jewish dictionary that has served scholars and students since the turn of the 20th century. A Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi and…
Mosquitoes No More
There are few insects as disliked as the mosquito. When people wonder about the purpose of annoying bugs, the mosquito is the first one whose existence they question. (As a point of…
Eikev 5781-2021
“Worshiping G-d with All One’s Heart” (Updated and revised from Eikev 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Traditional Jewish prayer is a study in contrasts. On the one hand, prayer…
The Book of Lamentations
On Tisha b’Av, the ninth of Av, one of the ways that the Jewish people demonstrate their mourning over the loss of both Holy Temples is by refraining from Torah study that brings pleasure…
Rashi and The Tosafot Commentaries
One of the most fascinating aspects of Jewish study are the layer upon layer of enlightening and edifying commentaries that can be found when studying texts of the Torah or the Talmud. Of…
Gain Clarity and Wisdom
To gain clarity and a deeper understanding of a passage in the Talmud, be sure to study Rashi’s commentary and those of the Ba’alei Tosafot, some of whom were his progeny. Study the…
The Final Analysis
After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must present its case for entry. The Talmud (Shabbat 31a) states, “When an individual is brought before the Heavenly…
How Fortunate
Consider how fortunate we are today to be able to study the Talmud freely in multiple languages with full translation.
Know Your Sea Creatures
Study the Talmud to learn more about the Leviathan, the sea creature that was killed and preserved by God in salt for the righteous in the World to Come.