Acharei Mot 5784-2024
“The Unfathomable Practice of Molech Worship” (updated and revised from Acharei Mot 5771-2011) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In Leviticus 18, the last chapter of this week's parasha,…
Seek the Answer
The Four Questions (Mah Nishtana – What makes it different?) is one of the most famous features of the Passover seder. In Ashkenazi homes, these four questions are recited by the youngest…
Metzorah 5784-2024
Urgent message: It’s hard to believe that more than six months have passed since the murderous attack on October 7th, and that the most challenging situation in Israel continues, with…
Asking for Prayers
People “network” for many different reasons. Some people use networking to promote their businesses; others to share jokes or recipes. In many circles, networking, such as that found on…
Tazria 5784-2024
Urgent message: It’s hard to believe that more than six months have passed since the murderous attack on October 7th, and that the most challenging situation in Israel continues, with…
In recognition of today’s total solar eclipse, Jewish Treats offers a Jewish angle for consideration. One might expect the sages to record eclipses as moments of awe, but instead the…
A Twentieth Century Jewish Poet
In honor of National Poetry Month, which is April, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980). Born and raised in New York City, Rukeyser attended Vassar…
The Other Hand Washing
It’s been a lovely meal, from the fresh-baked French bread to the sinful chocolate mousse — every bite. All that is left to do is to recite Grace After Meals (Birkat Hamazon), thanking…
Jokes On Us
“Knock, knock” “Who’s there?” “Jewish” “Jewish who?” “Jewish Treats” ….Ok, not so funny, but, when you get to the bottom of it, April Fool’s Day (or All Fools Day) is hardly a Jewish…
Tzav 5784-2024
“Do Sacrifices Have Any Relevance for Us Today?” (updated and revised from Tzav 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Tzav, continues the Torah’s…