Pinchas 5782-2022
“Can a Perfect G-d Sin?” (Updated and revised from Pinchas 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Pinchas, is full of fascinating narratives. The parasha…
Vayikra 5782-2022
“Insights for the Contemporary Soul from Ancient ‘Primitive’ Rituals” (Updated and revised from Vayikra 5764-2004) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald With this week’s parasha, parashat Vayikra,…
Vayechi 5782-2021
“The Debate: Burial in the Land of Israel” (updated and revised from Vayechi 5762-2001) This week’s parasha, parashat Vayechi, concludes the book of Bereshit, Genesis. Parashat Vayechi…
Bereshith 5782-2021
“Being Moral in an Increasingly Immoral Environment” (updated and revised from Bereshith 5763-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Bereshith, is one of the…
Yom Kippur 5782-2021
“Smashing the Golden Calves” (updated and revised from Yom Kippur 5764-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Virtually all the holidays and festivals of the Jewish calendar revolve around…
Shabbat Chazon
This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Chazon, the Sabbath of the Vision (prophecy), named after the opening word of the Book of Isaiah, the first 27 verses of which are read as the haftarah on…
Devarim 5781-2021
“Judging Our People Favorably” (Updated and revised from Devarim 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s Torah portion, parashat Devarim, is always read prior to Tisha b’Av,…
Terumah 5781-2021
“The Mishkan and the Sanctity of the Jewish Home” (updated and revised from Terumah 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald With this week’s parasha, we begin a series of five weekly…
Mishpatim 5781-2021
“‘An Eye for an Eye’ in Jewish Law” (updated and revised from Mishpatim 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Mishpatim, the Torah introduces the…
The Tribe of Asher
As the forefathers of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of each of the twelve sons of Jacob impacted on the history and behavior of the tribe members who descended from…