Bamidbar 5782-2022
“The Role of the Levites, and the Service of Yeshiva Students in the Israeli Army.” (updated and revised from Bamidbar 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week, we begin to…
Bechukotai 5782-2022
“Ma’aser Shay’nee--The Second Tithe” (updated and revised from Bechukotai 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Toward the very end of this week’s parasha, parashat Bechukotai, we…
Happy Birthday Birkat Hamazon
The Torah (Exodus 16:1) reports that the Children of Israel arrived at the Wilderness of Sin on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Iyar, approximately one month after the exodus from Egypt.…
Emor 5782-2022
“Priests and Death: An Unusual Relationship” (updated and revised from Emor 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Emor, continues the theme of holiness…
Seek the Answer
The Four Questions (Mah Nishtana – What makes it different?) is one of the most famous features of the Passover Seder. In Ashkenazi homes, these four lines are recited by the youngest…
Vayikra 5782-2022
“Insights for the Contemporary Soul from Ancient ‘Primitive’ Rituals” (Updated and revised from Vayikra 5764-2004) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald With this week’s parasha, parashat Vayikra,…
The Green Mountain State
Aside from Senator Bernie Sanders, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield – aka “Ben & Jerry’s” – people normally do not associate the Green Mountain State with Jews. Although some scholars date…
Blue Laws and the Supreme Court
In honor of the first session of the United States Supreme Court (February 2, 1790), Jewish Treats looks at one of the first Jewish issues brought before the Supreme Court Justices: Blue…
Bo 5782-2022
“Rituals Work, Rituals Work!” (updated and revised from Bo 5762-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Bo, describes the final three plagues: locusts, darkness…
Shemot 5782-2021
“The Circumcision of Eliezer: A Message for Busy Parents” (updated and revised from Shemot 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Shemot, Moses emerges…