Va’etchanan 5780-2020
“The Mandate for Parental Involvement in Jewish Education” (updated and revised from Va’etchanan 5761-2001) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Va’etchanan, we…
Appointed by Trudeau
In honor of Canada Day (July 1st), Jewish Treats proudly presents a brief biography of the first Jewish member of the Canadian Supreme Court, Bora Laskin (1912 - 1984). Born in Fort…
Why Were Scouts of the Promised Land Needed?
The most devastating punishment meted out by God in the Torah is described in this week's parasha. God commands Moses to send 12 scouts - one representing each tribe - to…
Who Lights The Shabbat Candles?
While lighting Shabbat candles is generally considered a "woman's mitzvah," and is traditionally performed by the woman of the house, it is actually an obligation of the entire household.…
Audio & Video
NJOP'sAudio & VideoCollection These videos and audio resources are created to help educate, inspire and celebrate the…
Happy Birthday Birkat Hamazon!
The Torah (Exodus 16:1) reports that the Children of Israel arrived at the Wilderness of Sin on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Iyar, approximately one month after the exodus from Egypt.…
A Math Teacher’s Life
Had Irving (Isaac) Adler not lived during the fervent era of the rise and decline of Communism, his personal story might have been the simple life of a mathematician dedicated to the…
Penny Lane
While the well-known adage requests, “A penny for your thoughts,” perhaps those coins should be sought, instead, in between the cushions of sofas and car seats, in washing machines, and…
Anatomy of a Jewish Leader
This week’s Torah portion re-introduces us to one of the most seminal characters of Jewish history: Moses. Known as Moshe Rabbeinu, Hebrew for Moses our teacher, Moses was unique among…
How Many Tribes?
The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the category of “easy” by trivia fans. However, the term “The Twelve Tribes of Israel” can be enumerated in…